Randy Jeltema (2025)- President
Jamie Nibbelink (2027)- Vice President
Travis De Jong (2027)- Clerk
Ver Westra (2025)- Education Committee Council Rep.
Lyle Van De Griend (2027)- Worship Committee Council Rep.
Dan Schiebout (2025) -Evangelism Committee Council Rep.
Brad Goslinga (2026)- Fellowship Committee Council Rep.
Vern Dykstra (2026)- Prayer Committee & Shepherds Council Rep.
Zach De Jong (2025)- Chair of Deacons
Charlie Zomermaand (2027)-Secretary of Deacons
Rob Kroeze (2025)- Deacon of Finance
Tony De Groot (2027)- Fundraising Committee
Joel Van Dyke (2027)- Fundraising Committee
Dave Driesen (2026)- Transportation
Andrew Nieuwendorp (2026)- Building Committee
Immanuel CRC
1405 Albany Avenue NE, Orange City, IA, 51041