You can give electronically through ACH Payment. We can automatically transfer the amount you designate to be given into the church’s account each month. Click on the button below to fill out the authorization form for said transactions. Once filled out, please hand deliver or email to any deacon or the church office.
You can give personally via the offering plates during services or the drop box in the church office.
You can find us on Venmo @Immanuel-CRC. Donations to this account will go towards the general fund unless otherwise designated. You can designate where you would like the funds to be donated to in the memo field. If you have any questions, please contact a deacon.
The Benevolence fund is used to help those in need. Whether it be providing freezer meals, gas cards, or helping families through difficult financial situations, this fund helps the Deacons and the Immanuel family show the compassion of Christ and come alongside people as they face challenges in their lives. If you or someone you know is in need, please contact a deacon.
When parents are going through a temporary crisis, they find families to care for their children. This allows parents to take essential steps toward stability. While this is coordinated by Bethany, Safe Families is a special program run at a local level. For more information, got to
Bethesda Christian Counseling Midwest, Inc. was established for the purpose of restoring and sustaining wholeness in the lives of all people in the name of Christ. Bethesda has a location in Sioux Falls, and Orange City helping clients achieve more satisfying and productive lives in the contexts of their family, church, community and work place. For more information, go to:
The mission of the Bible League is to serve the under-resourced Church with Bibles and training to transform lives worldwide through God’s Word. They serve throughout North America and worldwide. They have 3 initiatives: Church Growth, Children & Youth, and Prison Ministry. Their 4 ministry programs focus on Bible studies for evangelism & discipleship, Bible Based Literacy, Church Planting, and Translating. To learn more visit:
Brent serves as a missionary in Australia for MTW (Mission to the World). For more information go to
The Calvinist Cadet Corps is a non-denominational youth ministry organization Living For Jesus. They provide churches with ministry programs that will enable them to effectively share Christ’s love with boys in their church and community. The last Sunday of January is designated as Cadet Sunday. It is a time when the national Cadet organization is recognized and our local Cadets participate in the evening worship service. To learn more go to:
CFE’s mission is “Transforming lives through Christ centered financial education”. CFE wants you to attain financial stability, because money should bless you, not stress you. They listen with empathy, guide with compassion, and pray for grace to coach individuals and families towards transforming their lives by taking charge of their finances. Based in Sioux Center, they also partner with Atlas in Orange City and consultations are free. For more information, please contact a deacon or go to
These funds go to OCCS, Rock Valley, and Sioux Center Christian Schools where Immanuel families attend to help with tuition costs.
Associated with the Christian Reformed Church, Dordt was founded in 1955 and welcomes all students who are interested in a biblical, Christ-centered education. To learn more visit:
Friendship Community Church is located in Sergeant Bluff, IA. Their mission is "To be a compassionate church that connects people to Jesus, " and their vision is “To be a church that encourages meaningful worship, Christ centered relationships, and transformational discipleship.” To learn more visit:
GEMS is an acronym for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior. Gifts to GEMS Girls' Club helps reach today’s girls with the Truth of God’s love. They provide resources to moms, mentors, and ministry leaders so they will be equipped to understand and guide girls through life’s challenges. For more information on GEMS, go to:
This offering is to support the activities of the local GEMS ministry in Orange City. There are about 80 girls total that are part of this ministry. They have requested $500 from each of the supporting churches to help provide curriculum, badges, supplies, etc. needed throughout the year.
The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. Often recognized for work with hotels, they also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them, as well as to those who may not know they need them. For more information go to:
Their mission: As followers of Christ we unleash potential in people through work and life skills so that they may enjoy a productive life in their community. They offer service programs and support to meet a broad range of needs for children, adults, and families – from physical, mental, and intellectual to residential, vocational, and spiritual. For more information, go to
Legacy Thrift's mission is to support strategic Christian ministries that share the Good News of Jesus Christ worldwide through funds generated by their thrift stores across the country.
The Luke Society is an interdenominational Christian ministry that works internationally with indigenous medical professionals to bring healing and hope through Jesus Christ. We support and empower nationals as they serve the Lord among their own people within their own language and culture. To learn more, go to their website at:
Immanuel supports missionaries through prayer & financial support. Each missionary/family is provided $4,000 per year. Along with financial support, please remember our Mission Partners in your prayers as they carry out kingdom work for our Savior. Our Mission Partners are: Atlas in Orange City, Cornerstone Prison Church in South Dakota, Keo & Boon Jun Phommarath in Sioux City. Mike & Megan Ribbens in South Africa, Nancy Ten Broek in Bangladesh, Eric & Judy Steggerda in Florida, and Michelle Maly in Ukraine.
The Food Pantry is located in American Reformed Church in Orange City. They partner with local churches to seek families in need and distribute food a few times each year. They welcome food donations as well as monetary gifts to purchase items needed. To learn more go to their website at:
OC Krew is Immanuel’s young people's group that meets every Wednesday night for small group bible study, activities, and service projects during the school year & at various times throughout the summer. The offering for OC Krew provides resources for activities and service projects for their ministry.
The Pioneer Home provides affordable, alternative, and independent living for elderly members of Orange City and the surrounding communities.
This program offers free meals & snacks for kids to take home from school on weekends. The packs contain individually-packaged food that is ready to eat or easily prepared in the microwave. The program is entirely supported from the donations from the surrounding communities, which allows it to be free for schools and families of children in need. For more information, visit:
This was formerly called Volunteer Services. New name, same great opportunity. This fund provides resources for members of Immanuel toward service projects. This fund is still very low and needs support.
Special Youth Challenge (SYC) of Iowa is a 501c3 nonprofit Christian based ministry designed to teach and assist youth with special challenges to participate in and enjoy shooting sports in God's great outdoors. SYC provides training and other necessary aides to help the hunters achieve this goal at no cost to them. There are three events held each year; a turkey hunt in the spring, a fundraiser in August, and a deer hunt in September. For more information go to
The Talking Bibles ministry provides and places Talking Bibles in homes and in areas around the world where people cannot read. We network with local pastors and evangelists for shepherding and follow up. For more info, go to:
This fund is used to help Immanuel families provide K-12 Christian Education for their children. If anyone has questions, please contact a deacon for more information.
Vasya and Maranda Heytsi are missionaries working in Ukraine. Their work centers around the newly established New Life Church and its outreach ministries of Bible Study, youth group, kid’s Bible club, feeding the hungry, youth camp, evangelistic summer camps, a Creative Center ministry for youths reached at the camps, and worship services. They also have a passion to help those experiencing homelessness and addiction. Prayers and support are needed now more than ever with the ongoing war. For more information, go to or check out a recent highlight on them
This ministry cuts wood at Ron De Jong's farm that will be delivered to Lakota residents of Corn Creek and Parmalee, SD on the Rosebud Reservation during the winter. Funds are needed to help cover the cost to transport the wood. The goal is to raise at least $400, or as much as the LORD will provide.
Zestos is located in Alton. Their mission is to feed the hungry and seek the lost as we learn to live by the Master’s example of love for one another. Zestos is committed to fellowship, overcoming suffering by caring for basic human needs, and reaching out to lost souls in the name of Jesus. They do this by providing food, clothing, and transitional housing through programs like Zestos Rescue, Zestos Food Share, Shepherd’s Closet, and Shepherd’s Fold. To learn more go to their website at:
The Banquet is a volunteer-based ministry serving 16 meals per week at two locations in Sioux Falls. Meals are paid for, prepared by, and served by volunteer groups who come from Sioux Falls and the surrounding area. For more information, go to:
Immanuel CRC
1405 Albany Avenue NE, Orange City, IA, 51041