Infant and Toddler Nursery is available during each worship service for children ages 0-3.
Children’s Worship is available during the school year for children ages 3 to 5 during the morning service.
Sunday School for kids K-8 and adults meet after the morning service
(from 10:45-11:30 a.m.) during the school year.
GEMS “Girls Every-where Meeting the Savior” is open to girls in grades 3-8 on alternating Wednesday nights during the school year at Immanuel CRC (see the Calendar page for meeting dates & times).
Cadets is open to boys in grades 4-8 on alternating Wednesday nights during the school year at Calvary CRC (see the Calendar page for meeting dates & times).
High School Catechism meets after the morning service from 10:45-11:30 a.m.
during the school year.
OC KREW (Youth Group) meets every Wednesday night for small group bible study, activities, and service projects during the school year & at various times throughout the summer.
Click the Button below to visit the KREW Facebook page for announcements
and to see what they've been up to!
Facilitated by Dan Pluim
This small group meets solely for the purpose of prayer!
Where: Dan & Belinda Pluim's Home
When: Every Wednesday morning, year round, except if it lands on a holiday.
Time: 6:30 am- 7:30 am
Facilitated by Ed De Leeuw
This small group meets to discuss articles and various things related to scriptures.
Where: Immanuel CRC
When: Every Wednesday morning, year round, except if it lands on a holiday.
Time: 6:30 am- 7:30/8:00 am
Immanuel CRC
1405 Albany Avenue NE, Orange City, IA, 51041